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Remembering Jerome Spence

Our friend Jerome Spence worked across the music industry, most recently with Chaka Khan, but also at Peer Music, Secret Road Music, Position Music, Firstcom and Arista Records. 

We can think of no better way to honor Jerome than by donating to the college fund set up for his son Jerome Jr.  


A 529 College fund has been set up in Jerome Jr’s name through under the account #2195260.

You can contribute to his fund by printing out the below form, and completing it with your name, phone number, and e-mail.

Mail completed form and check to:

Standard Delivery

ScholarShare College Savings Plan

PO Box 55205

Boston, MA 02205-5205 

Overnight Delivery Only

ScholarShare College Savings Plan

30 Dan Road

Canton, MA 02021

Read more about Jerome and his accomplishments here.

If you have any trouble with the PDF Viewer above, please visit:  

Print out the form and follow the instructions on the page.  

The beneficiary should read Jerome Spence, Jr. c/o Lavanda Spence

Account Number: 2195260

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